the owl has written 47 articles

Check if Himp is running on your device

This article gives you tips to check if the utility Himp is running on your computer.   1/ For Windows Right-click on Windows taskbar and select “Start task manager” (or Ctrl+Shift+Esc). The process javaw.exe should run like on the picture bellow. 2/ For Mac Type in your terminal the following command: ps ax | grep…

Compatible hardware

Hiboutik works with many compatible POS hardware : receipt printers, barcode scanners, cash-drawers, label printers…This article gives you information, advice and tips for recommended hardware.   1/ Receipt printers Hiboutik is compatible with all ESC/POS receipt printers (standard command syntax and protocol for receipt printers). A thermal receipt printer should be loaded with thermo-sensitive paper in…

Remote control: Teamviewer

    TeamViewer allows our technical service to remotely access your computer, so we can easily support you to set up your hardware or use your Hiboutik account.   TeamViewer is easy to install and free as long as you use it for personal use.   Download TeamViewer here: – Windows:, – Mac:,…

Issuing credit for overpayment

For some payment methods, like restaurant tickets or gift vouchers, you may not accept to refund overpayments. But for commercial purposes, a solution could be to propose to your customers a credit for the balance. Till now, some of you just write down the amount on a paper and give it to your customer. But…

Customize your label layout

For direct printing of your labels in your Hiboutik account, you must use a ZPL (Zebra Programming Language) compatible label printer. To customize your product label layout, you must go in Settings/Printing/Labels.   1/ Dynamic content The content (text or barcode) printed on your label has x and y positions. x is the position of…